Why a Mom Squad is the Key to Survival
Being a mom can sometimes be a lonely job. Even though you’re constantly surrounded by a tiny human (or two) who love you and depend on you for survival, when you don’t have someone to have a real adult conversation with life just gets a little bit lonely sometimes.
I was the first of my group of friends to embark on the marriage and family adventure. My friends were so unbelievably excited for me and when Lily was born they were the very best honorary aunties a girl could ask for. They came and spoiled my little with gifts and showered her with love, they stepped in when I needed help with child care when I had to return to work, they loved my girl just like real aunties would, and I am eternally grateful to them for being who they are.
Despite being surrounded by so much love I still found myself feeling alone. When I needed someone to talk to about late night feedings and if my baby was babbling enough and what should I do if she’s teething.. My friends tried their best to be there for me but all they could really do was try to make me feel better in a way they understood. (And we ALLLL know that Google is just not your friend for late night panicking and worries). I didn’t have a mom friend to call up and say “hey my baby just will not stop screaming and I don’t know what to to”, to
reassure me that sometimes babies just do that sort of thing.
My second pregnancy it just so happened that some of my friends were pregnant at the same time. I can’t even tell you how nice it was to have them to go through pregnancy together. We leaned on each other, we complained to each other, we were excited together and made plans together.
Mommyhood is an incredible experience, and finding your mom tribe to go through it with is an amazing feeling. When I’m worried or stressed about something I can go to a mom friend who has experience and can relate to me in a way that sometimes my other friends cannot.
Your mom squad understands if you take four days to respond to a text because: kids. They understand why when you show up sans makeup, dirty mom bun and spit up stained clothes. You can feel 100% free to text them and be like “DUDE <insert name here> just had the HUGEST BLOWOUT; like on the ceiling huge” or “OH EM GEEEE absolutely losing my freaking mind today” or “holy moly how did I make such an adorable amazing person” and have no fear that they’re going to be supremely weirded out by your mood swings and zero filter. They don’t bat an eyelash at your messy house, your disheveled appearance or the crazy things you say. They understand that you still want to be invited, even though you probably can’t go because: kids.
{{Again, this is SO not to take away from my long time besties who have always been there for me and who I know will always be there when I need them.}}
This IS to thank my mama tribe for being there, for understanding, for relating and going through it all with me right by my side. Having a mommy tribe is an absolute game changer, and I am so glad that someday when my best friends become moms I will get to be a part of theirs and they will join mine.